Start-up analysis: start-ups receive the highest investments in these countries

Sweden is a great locational advantage for startup founders: Entrepreneurs can expect the largest investments here, averaging around 400 million US dollars. We found this out through a comprehensive analysis of the Crunchbase database. We looked at the countries in which the highest average investment sums and the highest total sums are raised. In total, we analyzed 5,585 companies that were founded in the last five years and have raised at least ten million USD.

Swedish start-ups receive the most money on average
Sweden is a particularly lucrative location for founding start-ups, as we found out. On average, USD 400 million is invested in start-ups here, more than in any other location in the study. Saudi Arabia comes a distant second with 187 million euros. South Korea takes third place with investments of USD 164.6 million on average.

At the other end of our ranking is Turkey with comparatively low investments averaging 26.8 million euros. Pakistan also turns out to be a not particularly lucrative country when it comes to founding companies, with an average investment of USD 28 million. Belgium follows in third-last place, making it the worst EU country for start-ups when it comes to investment. Founders can only expect an average of 32 million euros here

United Kingdom is in eleventh place in the ranking
In the UK, the successful start-ups of the last five years have raised an average of 88 million US dollars —303 companies were included in the analysis. Britishvolt, founded in 2019, received by far the most money: USD 2.4 billion. Enfinium and Nexfibre also raised considerable sums of around GBP 1.9 billion and 1.7 billion, respectively. At the other end of the UK ranking are five start-ups that have each received less than 10 million GBP to date: Haruko, Detected, Senisca, Forefront RF, Primary Care Physio and Viritech.

How do the other countries in the ranking fare? You can find our research results in this overview:

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