Meet the Insider – Let’s talk with a Gisma Alumni, Deepa Micheal

Event Details

Host: Gisma University of Applied Sciences

Venue: Online

Time: 16:00 Europe/Berlin

Date: 19 October 2023

Register on Jobteaser through this link or scan the QRcode below. You will automatically get the Zoom link to attend the event.

What are we going to talk about?

Deepa completed an MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Gisma UAS and graduated in July 2023. Armed with this advanced education and a wealth of hands-on experience, she was poised to take on greater challenges. By the culmination of her academic journey, she had secured a coveted role as a Senior Project Manager with, a global leader in the industry.

Are you curious about her journey and career pathway?

Do not miss out the chance to network with our brilliant graduate, Deepa. If you want to know more about why she decided to study in Germany, how she managed to combine her study with a working student position, what she found the most challenging in her job seek or what her tips and recommendations are to prepare yourself to meet recruiters and race your interviews, save the date in your agenda!

And don’t forget to register!

QR Code - Meet the Insider - Let's talk with a Gisma Alumni, Deepa Micheal