Mitarbeiterinnen UND Mitarbeiter


Our staff have lived, worked and studied in a variety of different countries and speak a number of languages. No matter what industry they have worked in, Gisma’s staff all bring something unique to the organisation.

Prof. Dr. Sara Ravan Ramzani

Prof. Dr. Sara Ravan Ramzani joined Gisma in October 2022. Sara has several years of experience as a principal lecturer, programme team leader and postgraduate director at international universities in Berlin, Malaysia and Singapore.
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Prof. Dr. Tilmann Lindberg

Prof. Dr. Tilmann Lindberg

In January 2022, Tilmann relocated to the Berlin-Brandenburg area working now as Professor for International Business Management at Gisma University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam. 
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Prof. Dr. Varun Gupta

Prof. Dr. Varun Gupta

Prof. Dr. Varun Gupta is a Professor at Gisma University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, Germany. He also serves as the Head of the Multidisciplinary Research Centre for Innovations in SMEs (MrciS) at Gisma.
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Roy Butcher

Roy Butcher

Roy joined the faculty of GEM in August 2000, he later became the Dean and Academic Director of GEM’s London campus in 2015.
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Tina Roso

Tina Roso

Tina Roso has more than 20 years of experience in the corporate world, specialising in general management, strategic marketing development, brand development and markets development.
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